During the Covid-19 pandemic in 2020, the NYC subway system saw a drastic decrease in ridership.
Explore ridership by month in 2020 using this map.
Slide to show ridership change over months of 2020.
Slide to filter stations in one month for the percentage change in ridership from the previous month.
Hover to see ridership at a station for that month.
Click to compare a station's yearly ridership to average yearly ridership across all stations.
Ridership/Entries: total number of entries recorded at all observed turnstiles at a specific station for a specific month
Percentage Change: percentage change in number of entries for a specific month from the previous month
= positive change (increase)
= negative change (decrease)
Average Entries: sum of entries at all stations (for one month) divided by number of stations (this is only visible upon clicking a station on the map)
The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 led to a rise in remote activity, and an unprecedented decline in demand for public transit.
New York City's extensive subway system saw a drastic decrease in ridership in April 2020, and did not recover to pre-pandemic levels for the entire year.
Explore 2020 ridership by month in NYC using this map.
Instructions Slide the first slider to change the ridership visible on the map by month.
Slide the second slider to filter stations in one month for the percentage change in ridership from the previous month.
Hover on a station to see its ridership for that month.
Click on a station to compare its yearly ridership to average yearly ridership across all stations.
Reset the range filter slider or month slider after use by clicking the Reset/Refresh button.
LegendSubway Lines: ACE BDFM G JZ L NQRW S 123 456 7
2+ line colors
Number of Entries: 20,000 100,000 500,000 700,000 1,000,000